Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 02 cze 2019 09:51

Gap Stock Is a Tough Buy After Earnings - Here's How to Trade It
Gap (GPS - Get Report) stock got hammered on Friday, with shares closing down 9.32% to $18.68 after earnings missed estimates and the retailer cut guidance.

Gap stock is making multi-year lows on the move, as shares were under pressure leading up to its first-quarter earnings report. As one could surely guess by now, that report didn't go all that well.

Earnings of 24 cents per share were well short of analysts' expectations of 32 cents. Revenue of $3.7 billion missed estimates of $3.78 billion and fell 2% year over year. Same-store sales also fell, declining 4% in the quarter and were the worst result in three years.

Could it get any worse? Actually, yes. Management slashed its fiscal-year earnings outlook and cut its same-store sales guidance.
... ... y-14977757

Will Gap Close All Its Stores?

Gap Inc. (NYSE: GPS) has disappointed investors again, and they have paid the price. Revenue for its most recent quarter was down 2% to $3.7 billion. That does not tell much of a terrible story.

Net operating margins for the entire company were only 6%, which means many locations lost money. Sales at of its flagship Gap brand dropped 10% in the quarter, after a 4% drop in the comparable quarter last year. The Gap brand can barely close stores fast enough to keep up with the decline. Its alternative is to kill the brand and keep its healthier Old Navy and Banana Republic operations.

Gap already has decided to spin off Old Navy to shareholders, which is a radical plan. Its success contrasts with the trouble at the rest of the company. The spin-off will happen sometime next year. The idea is that Gap management can focus on its damaged brands, but what does it really have to focus on? The Gap brand will close 230 stores in the next two years. The 10% plunge in Gap store sales last quarter begs the question of whether an effort to save the brand is worthwhile at all.

Gap’s third brand, Banana Republic, seems worth saving. It is smaller than the other two brands. At the end of last quarter, it had 600 stores, compared to 1,082 for Gap and 1,160 for Old Navy.

In an age when e-commerce already has wrecked or nearly wrecked some of America’s largest and most iconic retailers, decisions for brick-and-mortar retailers to retrench or close are ever more frequent. Sears went bankrupt, and it has barely risen from the ashes. Only 400 Sears stores will remain from a total that was close to 2,300 in 2006.

Dressbarn recently disappeared and closed its 650 stores. Toys “R” Us is gone. So are Bon-Ton, Charlotte Russe and Gymboree.

Gap’s share price is down over 50% in the past five years, while the S&P 500 is 43% higher. Gap has started to retrench, aggressively, to pull shareholders out of that spin. However, it will take the only really valuable large brand, Old Navy, it has left and pass it on to shareholders. What is left behind? Primarily, a Gap brand that, by almost any measure, won’t make it. It’s already among the retailers closing the most stores.
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 24 lis 2019 19:29

The Gap Cleans Up With Q3 Earnings

When Gap Inc. (NYSE: GPS) reported its fiscal third-quarter financial results after the markets closed on Thursday, the retailer said that it had $0.53 in earnings per share (EPS) and $4.0 billion in revenue. The consensus estimates had called for $0.51 in EPS and $3.97 billion in revenue, and it the same period of last year, Gap said it had $0.68 in EPS and $4.09 billion in revenue.

During the latest quarter, the company’s comparable sales were down 4%, versus flat last year. Comparable sales by global brand for the third quarter were as follows: Old Navy was negative 4%, Gap Global was negative 7%, and Banana Republic Global was negative 3%.

The company ended the third quarter with 3,938 store locations, of which 3,396 were company-operated.

Looking ahead to the fiscal full year, the company expects to see EPS in the range of $1.70 to $1.75 and net sales growth “to be down low-single digits.” Comparable sales are also expected to be down mid-single digits. Consensus estimates are calling for $1.74 in EPS and $16.17 billion in revenues for the year. ... -earnings/
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 24 kwie 2020 00:14

Gap ma problem z gotówką, przestał płacić czynsze :shock:

Gap Inc., największa amerykańska sieć sklepów odzieżowych ostrzegła w czwartek, że może nie przetrwać „nietknięta” następnych 12 miesięcy, donosi Reuters.

Spółka poinformowała, że musiała zawiesić płatności czynszów za zamknięte z powodu pandemii sklepy. Rozmawia z właścicielami lokali o opóźnieniu płatności i renegocjacji umów najmu, a w niektórych przypadkach o ich zakończeniu i zamknięciu sklepów. Gap ujawnił, że kwota zawieszonych płatności czynszów w Ameryce Północnej sięga ok. 115 mln USD.

- Nie ma nic porównywalnego do ostatnich wydarzeń, co mogłoby dostarczyć wskazówek co do efektów rozprzestrzeniania COVID-19 – poinformował Gap. – Kroki, które musimy podjąć, aby przeciwdziałać jego skutkom, są wysoce niepewne – dodała spółka. ... sze-989216
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 10 maja 2020 20:29

Gap otwiera swoje sklepy. Czy Amerykancie ruszą do centrów handlowych?

Pandemia spowodowana COVID-19 dotknęła wiele branż. Pewne z nich są jednak bardziej poszkodowane od innych. Należy do nich branża odzieżowa, która próbuje wrócić do nowej rzeczywistości.

Gap (GAP) - największa sieć handlowa, sprzedającą odzież w Stanach Zjednoczonych - przygotowuje się do ponownego otwarcia 800 sklepów odzieżowych do końca maja. Stany takie jak Teksas czy Karolina Południowa powoli zaczynają znosić ograniczenia, które zostały wprowadzone z powodu pandemii spowodowanej koronawirusem. Firma z siedzibą w San Francisco, która jest właścicielem takich marek jak Banana Republic, Old Navy i Athleta, dołącza do rosnącej listy sprzedawców detalicznych - w tym Macy's (M), Nordstrom (JWN), Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) i Chico's (CHS) - którzy podejmują kroki, aby wrócić do biznesu, aczkolwiek zapowiada, że będzie to miało miejsce przy zachowaniu odpowiednich środków ostrożności. "Naszym celem jest wyznaczenie złotego standardu w zakresie bezpiecznego handlu detalicznego" - powiedziała w wywiadzie telefonicznym dla mediów dyrektor wykonawcza firmy, Sonia Syngal, dodając że zaufanie do tego procesu powinno być najważniejsze.

W przypadku Gap ponowne włączenie świateł w sklepach prawdopodobnie i tak musi nastąpić. Sytuacja firmy jest jednak niewesoła. 23 kwietnia firma ostrzegła inwestorów, że może nie mieć wystarczającej ilości gotówki do finansowania bieżących operacji. Sklepy są od dłuższego czasu tymczasowo zamknięte. By ratować swoją sytuację, Gap wyemitował 2,25 mld USD nowych "zabezpieczonych" obligacji, aby pomóc w spłacie istniejącego zadłużenia. Pod koniec marca Gap wykorzystał też całą linię kredytową o wartości 500 milionów USD i zapowiedział wstrzymanie dywidendy. Szukając sposobów na obniżenie kosztów, przedstawiciele Gap zaprzestali w niektórych miejscach płacić czynsz właścicielom lokali w których znajdują się sklepy - miesięczne wydatki na wynajem wynoszą sieć w Ameryce Północnej bagatela 115 milionów USD. Co ciekawe, w ostatnim czasie tylko około 20% przychodów Gap pochodziło z centrów handlowych. Sprzedaż netto Gap wyniosła 16,4 mld USD w zeszłym roku podatkowym.

Sprzedawcy z centrów handlowych, w tym firmy odzieżowe, byli jednymi z najciężej dotkniętych pandemią, która zamknęła potencjalnych konsumentów w domu. Nawet w miarę zniesienia tych ograniczeń analitycy stoją na stanowisku, że centra handlowe mogą być jednym z miejsc, których konsumenci będą unikać w dłuższej perspektywie ze względu na ich ograniczoną przestrzeń. Sieć luksusowych centrów handlowych Nordstrom oznajmiła we wtorek, że po dokonaniu oceny rynku planuje na stałe zamknąć 16 swoich domów towarowych. Z kolei największy właściciel centrum handlowego w USA, Simon Property Group (SPG), ma w swoich centrach 412 sklepów Gap, w tym takich marek jak Banana Republic i Old Navy. To sprawia, że ​​Gap jest dla tej marki najważniejszym najemcą pod względem czynszu, a firmy te żyją w pewnej symbiozie.

Wcześniej wspomniane zabezpieczenia prezentują się imponująco: firma będzie umieszczać przegrody z pleksiglasu, aby chronić pracowników przed kupującymi. Umieści w sklepach znaki zachęcające klientów do noszenia nakryć twarzy i stosowania się do idei "social distancing". Toalety i przymierzalnie zostaną tymczasowo zamknięte. Środki do dezynfekcji rąk zostaną ustawione przy wejściach do sklepu, a godziny sklepowe zostaną zredukowane w dającej się przewidzieć przyszłości. Pracownicy firmy ponoć godzą się na tego typu utrudnienia. Jednak nie jest jasne, jak długo wirus Covid-19 utrzymuje się na materiałach takich jak odzież.

Statystyki firmy, przynajmniej te sprzed wybuchu pandemii w lutym są godne pozazdroszczenia: Gap prowadził 3345 sklepów na całym świecie, z dodatkowymi 574 lokalizacjami franczyzowymi. Aby zaspokoić popyt online i "pozbyć" się przepastnych zapasów w swoich magazynach, firma obecnie realizuje i wysyła zamówienia online z aż 1000 lokalizacji, a profesjonalne punkty odbioru dostępne są w 75 sklepach. Gap planuje podwoić też liczbę lokalizacji, z których jest wysyłany towar, a także rozszerzyć dodatkowe opcje odbioru. Firma jednak zastrzega, że niektóre zamknięte sklepy nigdy nie zostaną otwarte, a wartość wskaźnika giełdowego spadła w ostatnim czasie o 58%. Nie można jednak powiedzieć, że włodarze nic nie robią w trudnej dla nich sytuacji. Potencjalni inwestorzy powinno rozważnie inwestować w branżę odzieżową, mimo wycen, które wydają się być promocją. ... handlowych
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 07 cze 2020 19:18

Gap Sales Down Almost Two-Thirds

Gap Inc. (NYSE: GPS) posted a 43% drop in revenue in the most recent quarter, compared with the same quarter a year ago, down to $2.1 billion. The company lost $938 million, compared with profits of $227 in the first quarter of 2019. The Gap has four brands. Its flagship brand did worse than the others, which leads to questions about its future.

Same-store sales fell 60% across all of Gap locations. Sales at its Old Navy shops dropped 60%, while online sales rose by 20%. Same-store Gap sales fell 64%, and its online sales were down by 5%. Banana Republic’s same-store sales were off 61% and online sales dropped 2%. Athleta same-store sales dropped 50%, but online sales rose 49%.

Gap has 3,911 stores worldwide. The economic environment likely will cause that figure to shrink. Old Navy North America has 1,208 locations. Gap North America has 667, Banana North America has 539 and Athleta has 191.

Gap brand’s online sales show the extent to which it is on the ropes. It needed at least to show, as the weakest brand in same-store sales, that it could partially offset declining store sales with improved e-commerce. That was not the case.

For many retailers, customers did go online. This was true of Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) among others. Inc.’s (NASDAQ: AMZN) rise in revenue was the anchoring example. People were willing to shop, even in a tough economic environment. If their customers did not demonstrate at least some demand, those retailers likely will struggle as the economy improves. However, a possible return of COVID-19 will begin the cycle of heavy e-commerce activity.

There is no sign the Gap brand can recover under any shopping circumstance. ... wo-thirds/
Pieniądz robi pieniądz a bieda robi jeszcze wiekszą biedę !!!

Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 24 paź 2020 15:14

Gap rozważa zamknięcie sklepów w Europie

Marek Druś
opublikowano: wczoraj, 23-10-2020, 19:07
Amerykańska sieć odzieżowa Gap rozważa zamknięcie sklepów w Europie do końca drugiego kwartału przyszłego roku. Miałyby pozostać tylko sklepy franczyzowe sieci.

Oprócz sklepów Gap rozważa także zamknięcie europejskiego centrum dystrybucji w Rugby.

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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 26 lis 2020 18:45

Why Gap Was Crushed After Q3 Results
Chris Lange
November 25, 2020 10:16 am
Apparel retailer Gap Inc. (NYSE: GPS) reported its fiscal third-quarter financial results after the markets closed on Tuesday. The company said that it had $0.25 in earnings per share (EPS) and $3.99 billion in revenue, while consensus estimates had called for $0.29 per share and $3.82 billion. The same period of last year reportedly had EPS of $0.37 on $4.0 billion in revenue.

During the latest quarter, the company’s comparable sales were up 5%, year over year, driven by the strength of the scaled e-commerce business, which added over 3.4 million new customers in the quarter.

In terms of its segments, the company reported as follows:

Old Navy Global net sales increased 15%, with comparable sales up 17%. Old Navy continued to experience meaningful acceleration in its online business as strong customer response to product was further bolstered by compelling and relevant digital marketing investment.
Gap Global net sales were down 14% and comparable sales were down 5%. This reflects a reduced store fleet and lower traffic trends, partially offset by strong online performance.
Banana Republic Global net sales were down 34%, a slight improvement over the second quarter. Comparable sales were down 30%.
Athleta net sales were up 35%. Comparable sales were the highest in the brand’s history, an increase of 37%, and online contribution remained above 50% in the quarter.
Looking ahead to the fiscal fourth quarter, the company expects to see net sales equal to or slightly higher than last year, with a gross margin rate the same as last year. Consensus estimates are calling for $0.32 in EPS and $4.54 billion in revenues for the coming quarter.

Gap’s cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments totaled $2.6 billion at the end of the quarter, up from $1.1 billion at the end of the same period last year.

The company ended the fiscal third quarter with 3,785 store locations in 43 countries. Of these stores, 3,178 were company operated.

Gap stock traded down 17% to $22.25 Wednesday morning, in a 52-week range of $5.26 to $26.99. The consensus price target is $23.30. ... 3-results/

zamk. -20% :shock:
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 09 mar 2021 22:00

Gap rozważa sprzedaż biznesu w Chinach ... ch-1110479
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 15 mar 2021 23:14

Gap Gets Price Target Boost From Wells Fargo

Gap (GPS) - Get Report was rising Monday after a Wells Fargo analyst boosted his price target on shares of the clothing retailer to $40 a share from $32 after meeting with management.

Shares of Gap were up 6.9% to $32.95 in trading Monday.

Analyst Ike Boruchow, who kept his overweight rating on the stock, said in a note to investors that he came away from the meeting feeling more confident in Gap's go-forward prospects.

The analyst said Old Navy appears to be extremely well-positioned for market share gains this year, Athleta has meaningful runway for continued growth and Gap brand is showing greenshoots in its brand-health initiatives.

"A lot to like, see bull case building from here, stay long," Boruchow said. "With a solid 4Q print now behind us, we believe the bull case can continue to build from here."

The analyst said that he continues to see an undervalued portfolio - led by Old Navy and Athleta "with a call option on the Gap brand (First positive comp in US in 4Q since 2017, Yeezy launch upcoming) potentially adding gravy to thesis."

The Yeezy clothing line at Gap, created in partnership with musician and designer Kanye West, is expected by June 30.

Earlier this month, Gap missed fourth-quarter revenue estimates as same-store sales fell sharply at its Gap and Banana Republic stores, but the retailer posted better-than-expected earnings.

The company said that Gap Brand’s global footprint "was meaningfully impacted by COVID-mandated store closures and restrictions in Canada, China, Europe and Japan."

"Importantly, North America comparable sales were positive," Gap said in a statement.

Following the earnings report, J.P. Morgan analyst Matthew Boss raised his price target to $32 from $30 and affirmed his overweight rating. ... ells-fargo
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 31 maja 2021 12:03

Gap Drops After Results Beat; Analyst Notes Weakness at 2 Units

Gap topped analysts earnings and revenue estimates and two analysts raised their price targets.
TONY OWUSUMAY 28, 2021 12:59 PM EDT
Shares of Gap (GPS) - Get Report were lower on Friday even after the apparel retailer topped analysts' fiscal-first-quarter estimates and two investment firms raised their price targets on the stock.

At last check the shares of the San Francisco company were off 5% at $33.38.

Analysts at RBC Capital affirmed their outperform rating on Gap while raising their price target to $40 a share from $33.

The investment firm cites the company's first-quarter beat as evidence of increasing tailwinds as management speeds its plan to meet a 10% margin based on earnings before interest and taxes by fiscal 2023.

Analyst Beth Reed also says the company's higher-margin growth brands, Old Navy and Athleta, can take market share going forward.

Meanwhile analysts at B. Riley raised their price target on Gap to $35 from $34 while reiterating a neutral rating.

The investment firm noted "continued weakness" in the Banana Republic and Gap brands while also expressing concern about Gap's future performance in the wake of store closures.

For the quarter ended May 1, Gap swung to earnings of $166 million, or 43 cents a share, against a loss of $932 million, or $2.51 a share, in the year-earlier quarter.

The latest adjusted earnings were 48 cents a share.

Revenue came in at $3.99 billion, up from $2.1 billion a year ago.

A survey of analysts by FactSet produced consensus estimates of a loss of 3 cents a share, or an adjusted loss of 5 cents a share, on revenue of $3.44 billion.

Comparable-store sales rose 35% at Old Navy Global, 29% at Gap Global and 27% at Athleta from the year-earlier quarter. Same-store sales at Banana Republic dropped 4% year-on-year. ... t-upgrades
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 03 lip 2021 22:19

This Famous American Retailer Closed 100 Stores ... 00-stores/
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 24 lis 2021 15:27

Retailer Gap (GPS) crumbled 20% premarket Wednesday after the company reported weak third-quarter results and cut its full-year guidance due to significant supply-chain constraints. Gap shares closed Tuesday about 38% off their 52-week high.
Pieniądz robi pieniądz a bieda robi jeszcze wiekszą biedę !!!

Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 27 lut 2022 13:28

Gap hikes dividend by 25 percent. $GPS :shock: 8)
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 04 mar 2022 22:49

Gap (NYSE:GPS) reported a narrower-than-expected fourth-quarter loss and upbeat guidance, but concerns about supply chain disruptions and rising labor costs weighed on sentiment, forcing the stock to cut its intraday gains.

Latest Release
Mar 03, 2022

EPS / Forecast
-0.02 / -0.1308

Revenue / Forecast
4.53B / 4.51B
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Gap Inc. NYSE: GPS sklepy z odzieżą

Postautor: slayer74 » 23 kwie 2022 14:23

(Reuters) - Gap Inc (NYSE:GPS) slashed its forecast for quarterly sales on Thursday, blaming execution challenges at its Old Navy brand and "macro-economic dynamics", sending shares of the retailer down 12% in extended trading.

Gap also said the head of its Old Navy brand, Nancy Green, was leaving the company this week and the company's Chief Executive Officer Sonia Syngal would lead the team until a successor gets hired.

Several apparel chains, including Gap, have struggled to keep up with rising demand and managing their inventories as supply chain snags delay shipments.

Gap now expects first-quarter sales to decline in the low to mid-teens percentage range from its prior guidance of mid to high-single-digit year-over-year declines.

The retailer, which will report first-quarter results on May 26, said it had to take an "aggressive approach" to balancing inventory that led to increased marketing promotions, especially at Old Navy.
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