Sony Corporation NYSE: SONY, TYO: 6758 elektronika użytkowa, konsola Playstation, RTV, media

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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 05 sie 2019 00:12

Lower sales of PlayStation 4 spurs Sony to cut fiscal 2019 sales outlook

Sony Corp. cut Tuesday its sales outlook for the current fiscal year through next March to ¥8.6 trillion ($79 billion) from ¥8.8 trillion forecast earlier, after the company lowered its sales expectations for PlayStation 4 hardware.

Sony’s sales downgrade, which represents a fall of 0.8 percent from the year before, came after the electronics and entertainment giant said in May it expected sales to rise 1.5 percent to ¥8.8 trillion.

Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki said some consumers appear to be shying away from buying the PlayStation 4 because of its earlier announcement about a next-generation game console that is under development.

Sony slashed its annual sales target for the PlayStation 4 by 1 million units to 15 million for the current business year.

Totoki said the company remains cautious about potential effects of additional tariffs that U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has mulled slapping on Chinese imports.

The fourth round of tax hikes, over which Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have agreed to resume negotiations, could affect Sony’s game hardware, cameras, audio equipment and projectors, Totoki said.

“We are simulating various responses in the event the tariffs are imposed” such as price changes, he added.

Televisions and smartphone sales are also projected to turn out lower in the current fiscal year, the company added.

It also expects a further rise in the yen, which erodes overseas profits when converted into its home currency. The U.S. dollar is projected to average ¥108 for the full year, compared to its earlier estimate of ¥110.

The company maintained its forecasts for operating profit and net profit for fiscal 2019 at ¥810 billion and ¥500 billion, respectively.

It expects the costs for developing the next-generation video game console to eat into its net earnings through the current business year.

For the April-June quarter, the Japanese electronics and entertainment giant saw group operating profit rise 18.4 percent from a year earlier to ¥230.93 billion mainly on solid sales of image sensors for mobile phones.

Its group net profit in the three-month period fell 32.8 percent to ¥152.12 billion, on group sales of ¥1.93 trillion, down 1.4 percent from a year earlier. ... UdWYfIzZhE ... ff-factors
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 21 sie 2019 15:33

Japoński producent elektroniki przejmie prawa do gier komputerowych opartych na przygodach Spider-Mana, a także gry „Ratchet & Clank”, dostępnych do tej pory na konsolach Microsoft Xbox — poinformował portal CNBC. ... nem-968356
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 08 paź 2019 17:48

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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 30 paź 2019 15:09

Miniony kwartał okazał się bardzo udany dla japońskiego giganta segmentu elektroniki użytkowej, koncernu Sony. Tokijska firma pochwaliła się mocnym wzrostem zysku i podwyższyła swoją projekcję na cały rok finansowy, donosi Reuters.

W okresie lipiec-wrzesień 2019 r., drugim kwartale roku obrachunkowego, zysk operacyjny Sony zwiększył się o 16 proc. rosnąc do poziomu 279 mld jenów (2,6 mld USD) wobec 239,5 mld jenów rok wcześniej. ... oze-974251
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 22 lis 2019 14:42

PlayStation 5 - gracze sami stworzą wersje demo? Sony opatentowało ciekawą funkcję ... je/t2zcnmn
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 08 gru 2019 21:08

The PlayStation has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world’s best-selling home video game console brand, having sold 450.19 million units over 25 years, Sony Corp.’s game business unit said Tuesday. ... e1X-5NKhhE
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 06 kwie 2020 17:49

"PlayStation 5 jest lepszą konsolą niż Xbox Series X", mówi inżynier z Cryteka

Która konsola będzie szybsza - PlayStation 5 czy Xbox Series X? To okaże się dopiero po premierze obu platform, natomiast już dzisiaj ten temat wywołuje sporo emocji wśród graczy. Interesującą opinię w tej kwestii ma Ali Salehi, inżynier ds renderingu, pracujący w studiu Crytek. Co ciekawe, jego wywiad zniknął już z sieci w dosyć tajemniczych okolicznościach
... ... ka/rrdwy2l
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 18 kwie 2020 09:02

Sony plans limited PlayStation 5 output in first year

Sony Corp. plans to produce far fewer units of its upcoming PlayStation 5 in its first year than it had for the previous-generation console’s launch, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Tokyo-based tech giant is limiting its initial production run in part because it expects the PS5’s ambitious specs to weigh on demand, by making it necessary to set a high price at launch, the people said, asking not to be identified because the subject is private. The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected Sony’s promotional plans for the new device but not its production capacity, they added.

The company has told assembly partners it will make 5 to 6 million units of the PS5 in the fiscal year ending March 2021, according to other people involved in the machine’s supply chain. When Sony released the PlayStation 4 in November 2013, it sold 7.5 million units in its first two quarters.

The PS5’s higher price tag may also deter initial take-up. Game developers who’ve been creating titles for the next PlayStation anticipate it to be put on sale at around $499 to $549, and Bloomberg Intelligence’s Matthew Kanterman points to increased component costs pushing up the price required for Sony to break even. Sony has struggled with its price-setting decision for the PS5 because of scarce components, Bloomberg News has reported.

A Sony spokesman declined to comment. ... pqll_0zaUk
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 09 maja 2020 11:27

Tokyo, May 8 (Jiji Press)--Sony Corp. <6758> said Friday that it will manufacture face shields and offer them free of charge to Japanese medical institutions treating patients of the COVID-19 respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
Demand for the protective equipment for medical professionals has been increasing as the virus crisis continues in Japan.
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 14 maja 2020 00:15

Tokyo, May 13 (Jiji Press)--Sony Corp. <6758> said Wednesday its consolidated operating profit fell for the first time in three years in the fiscal year ending March 2020 due to sluggish performance in the gaming business.
The Japanese company posted an operating profit of 845,459 million yen, down 5.5 pct from the year before.

Zysk operacyjny Sony spadł o 57 proc. ... roc-990974

Jeden z nielicznych segmentów biznesowych Sony, na który Covid-19 miał pozytywny wpływ, były gry komputerowe i usługi sieciowe.

Zysk operacyjny Sony w kwartale zakończonym w marcu spadł o 57 proc. do 35,5 mld jenów (331 mln USD). Przy okazji publikacji wyników japońska firma ostrzegła, że jej zysk operacyjny może spaść w tym roku obrotowym o 30 proc. lub więcej, z uwagi na fakt, że pandemia koronawirusa hamuje produkcję urządzeń takich jak smartfony i zmniejsza popyt konsumentów na aparaty cyfrowe i inną elektronikę.
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 20 maja 2020 09:35

Tokyo, May 19 (Jiji Press)--Sony Corp. <6758> said Tuesday it will change its name to Sony Group Corp. in April next year to become a company specializing in headquarters operations to oversee its units.
The name change will be the first for the electronics company since 1958, when Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo K.K. was renamed Sony Corp.

Tokyo, May 19 (Jiji Press)--Japanese technology giant Sony Corp. <6758> plans to take full control of subsidiary Sony Financial Holdings Inc. <8729>, apparently aiming to strengthen its fintech business, or financial services using information technology, it was learned Tuesday.
The financial business is one of Sony's core operations, accounting for some 15 pct of its consolidated revenue.
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 07 cze 2020 13:24

Tokyo, June 2 (Jiji Press)--A Sony Corp. <6578> unit said Tuesday it will postpone a PlayStation 5 event scheduled for Friday Japan time.
"We do not feel that right now is a time for celebration and for now, we want to stand back and allow more important voices to be heard," the company said in a Twitter post, apparently referring to widespread protests against racism in the United States.
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 15 cze 2020 11:40

Pierwszy pokaz gier na PlayStation 5 już za nami. Sony wytoczyło potężne działa i w ponad godzinnej prezentacji zaprezentowało szeroką gamę produkcji - od tytułów, w której zagramy tylko na PS5, po produkcje zewnętrznych deweloperów i całkowicie nowe marki. ... li/3cjsx24
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 09 lip 2020 23:30

Sony ogłosiło, że kupi za 250 mln USD mniejszościowy pakiet udziałów w Epic Games Inc.

- Potężna technologia Epic w obszarach takich jak grafika stawia spółkę w czołówce rozwoju silników do gier dzięki Unreal Engine i innym innowacjom - powiedział Kenichiro Yoshida, prezes Sony. - Nie ma lepszego przykładu na to niż przełomowe doświadczenie rozrywkowe, którym jest Fortnite – dodał. ... ite-996341
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Posty: 44305
Rejestracja: 19 lip 2005 13:21
Lokalizacja: West Poland- FZ 1974

Re: Sony Corporation NYSE: SNE; TYO: 6758

Postautor: slayer74 » 01 sie 2020 12:33

Tokyo, July 30 (Jiji Press)--Sony Corp. <6758> has procured syndicated loans worth 210 billion yen in total from four major Japanese banks and the state-backed Japan Bank for International Cooperation, it was learned Thursday.
With no prospects in sight for an end to the novel coronavirus crisis, the Japanese electronics and entertainment giant is boosting its cash reserves, which decreased after the company spent 260 billion yen to make the operator of Britain's EMI Music Publishing a fully owned subsidiary in 2018.
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